Atlanta Pilot Training - Atlanta, Georgia

A Quiet Day...

It was a relatively quiet day and the radar controller wasn't very busy. He had a Cessna 172 on an instrument approach in actual IMC. There was a fly buzzing around the controller's screen. The radio conversation went something like this:

Controller: "Cessna 266, descend and maintain 5,000."
Pilot: "Roger, out of seven for five."
The controller takes a swipe at the fly.
Controller: "Cessna 266, descend and maintain 3,000."
Pilot: "Roger, out of five for three."
By now, the controller is retting really agitated by the buzzing fly.
Controller:"Cessna 266, descend and maintain 1,500, cleared for the approach, contact tower at the outer marker." Without realizing that his mike was still open, he says: "Watch me kill this S.O.B."
Pilot's reply: " CANCEL IFR! CANCEL IFR!"

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Lisa Miller/Brigham Pyron
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Revised: March 11, 2005